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Christiana Ogbonnaya

BSc (Specalist Microbiology)

Dipl.  (Lab Tech, Microbiology)

CIP (Certified Iridologist Practitioner)

CEMP (Certifited Energy Medicine Practitioner)

CRA (Certified Clinical Research Associate)

Certified Energy Medicine and Iridology practitioner with a degree in microbiology. She merged her microbiology training and skills with her interest in alternative health and wellness to better bridge the gap between mainstream and alternative health care.  Therefore brings to the health and wellness industry combined skill along with experiences gained from microbiology laboratory and clinical setting.  As a facilitator she works with clients with various health imbalances such as on life-support, comatose, cancer, burn, immune imbalance, organ failure, post and pre surgery, general wellness, injury, microbial and or parasite infestation, just to mention a few. She can support clients to embark on result oriented healing.


Christiana’s Personal Development


She has personally received the following energetic work to better accomplish and further accelerate her facilitating capacity:


Axiatonal re-connective re-alignment, anchoring of the 12D Blueprint, activation of the KA body, Balancing Microbial Pattern held within human biology, Dimensional Heart Attunement, Dimensional Pineal Attunement, core strengthening of Nervous System, Brain and Spine.


She facilitates weekly and monthly as a member of two healing network The Distant Healing Network (member since March 2014) and Ananda Healing Prayer Circle (member since February 2013). Both networks are comprised of group of healers who facilitate worldwide. This is one of Christiana’s passion for it further connects her to the heart of humanity.




My reality is to support the current evolutionary shift of the human lineage by encouraging others alignment with their true self.

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